The origins of Japan - A country created by the gods

The myth of Japan's creation is recorded in Japan's oldest historical texts, *Kojiki* and *Nihon Shoki*. It tells the story of how Japan was created by the gods, rooted in the worldview of Shinto.
1.The Beginning of Heaven and Earth
At the start of the universe, there was chaos, from which emerged *Takamagahara*, the heavenly realm where the gods dwell.
The first gods to appear were the *Zōka Sanshin* (Three Divine Creators).
- *Amenominakanushi*
- *Takamimusuhi*
- *Kamimusuhi*
These deities did not take physical form but passed the baton to the next generation of gods.
2. The Birth of Izanagi and Izanami
The next prominent gods to appear were Izanagi (the male deity) and Izanami (the female deity).
They were tasked by the other gods with the mission of "creating the land."
Standing on the *Ame-no-Ukihashi*, they stirred the ocean with a spear, and the dripping salt formed the first island, *Awaji Island*.
Subsequently, they created more islands, forming the Japanese archipelago. This is the "Kuniumi" (Land-Birthing) myth.
3. The Birth of Gods and Tragedy
Izanagi and Izanami went on to create not only islands but also the gods of nature, such as mountains, rivers, and seas.
However, Izanami lost her life while giving birth to the god of fire.
Heartbroken, Izanagi ventured to *Yomi no Kuni* (the land of the dead) to retrieve Izanami, but upon seeing her dreadful transformed state, he fled in terror.
This episode is the story of *Yomi no Kuni*.
4. Amaterasu, the Central Deity of Japan’s Gods
After returning from *Yomi no Kuni*, Izanagi performed *misogi* (a purification ritual).
During this ritual:
- From his left eye was born *Amaterasu* (the Sun Goddess)
- From his right eye, *Tsukuyomi* (the Moon God)
- From his nose, *Susanoo* (the Storm God).
Amaterasu was appointed to rule *Takamagahara* and became the central figure in Japanese mythology.
5. The Descent of the Heavenly Grandson and the Founding of Japan
Amaterasu sent her grandson *Ninigi-no-Mikoto* to earth to govern Japan.
This event is known as the *Tenson Kōrin* (Descent of the Heavenly Grandson).
Ninigi carried the *Three Sacred Treasures*—the Mirror, the Sword, and the Jewel—and descended to earth.
His descendant, *Emperor Jimmu*, became the first Emperor of Japan, marking the beginning of the Japanese nation.
The site of the descent is said to be *Takachiho* in Miyazaki Prefecture.
The tradition of passing down the *Three Sacred Treasures* continues even today during the enthronement ceremonies of Japanese emperors.
6. Summary
Japan’s foundation myth is a grand story that spans from the creation of heaven and earth to the birth of islands, the activities of gods, and ultimately the enthronement of Emperor Jimmu.
More than a historical account, this myth serves as a cultural foundation, emphasizing the respect for nature and the interconnectedness of people, which lies at the heart of Japanese tradition.